Posted by vitaliy kapshytar on April 30, 2015
Cluster Validation fails when StarWind runs on top of Storage Spaces

This article describes the issue with the Microsoft Failover Cluster creation or validation that StarWind users experiencing in case if StarWind virtual disks reside on top of Storage Spaces. Additionally this article described workaround that user can take if he faced that issue.
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Posted by vitaliy kapshytar on April 30, 2015
Changing the LUN number

This article provides step-by-step guidance on changing the LUN number
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Posted by vitaliy kapshytar on April 30, 2015
Changing the Heartbeat or Synchronization Channel IPs

This article explains what actions are needed to be taken in order to change the IP addresses assigned to run HeartBeat or Synchronization processes
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Posted by vitaliy kapshytar on April 30, 2015
Changing Storage Pool

This article provides step-by-step guidance on changing the default or configured Storage Pool settings using StarWind Management Console
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Posted by vitaliy kapshytar on April 30, 2015
HA: QoS during Synchronization process

HA device allows configuring of the sync channel utilization priority. In this article you can find description and basic guidelines for this.
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Posted by vitaliy kapshytar on April 28, 2015
Tape Redirector and Backup Exec issue: tape goes offline

This article provides information on troubleshooting of the known issue of SAS tapes and Backup Exec
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Posted by vitaliy kapshytar on April 28, 2015
After changing HA partner ESX sees one HA device as two different devices, and one of them is empty

ESX sees HA device as two different devices, and one of them is empty.
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Posted by vitaliy kapshytar on April 28, 2015
How to collect logs

This article provide explanation where StarWind and Windows logs are located and how they can be collected.
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Posted by vitaliy kapshytar on April 27, 2015
Basic troubleshooting note

This document explains most frequent log entries in StarWind logs.
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Posted by vitaliy kapshytar on April 23, 2015
How to extend Image File or High Availability device

This article provides an explanation how to resize StarWind image file, NTFS (CSV) partition & VMFS partition on top of the image file.

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