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Network interfaces are missing in the StarWind Console

  • Troubleshooting
  • May 05, 2015


During HA configuration on the step of choosing Sync and Heartbeat channels all IPs are missing. All IPs are missing in StarWind Console Configuration tab as well.


Network interfaces might be missing because of a third party app installed that uses port 3260. The most common app is MS iSCSI Target Server which can be accidentally installed along with File and Storage Services pack.


MS iSCSI Target Server can be uninstalled via Server Management Console > Manage > Remove Roles and Features > Server Roles > iSCSI Target Server.

Any other software that uses port 3260 should be uninstalled as well.

After this StarWind service must be restarted.

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Taras Shved
Taras ShvedStarWind HCI Appliance Product Manager
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