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Upgrading from any StarWind version to any StarWind version

  • Maintenance
  • January 23, 2019


To check the currently installed StarWind VSAN build, connect to the server in StarWind Management Console, open the Configuration tab, and choose ‘Register’. The build should be in the LICENSE SOURCE section under ‘Target Server Info’.

The actual version of StarWind Management Console can be downloaded here.

StarWind VSAN (Windows-based application) step-by-step update procedure.

The latest StarWind VSAN build (.exe) can be downloaded here.

For Hyper-V environments:

  1. To prevent data loss, disconnect iSCSI clients from StarWind nodes – for builds, where it is specified as a requirement in StarWind Release Notes;
  2. Move cluster resources (Cluster Disks and Cluster Roles, if possible) from the node which is going to be updated – for hyperconverged scenario only;
  3. Check that all StarWind devices have the Synchronized status on all nodes;
  4. Run the StarWind VSAN installer on the first node;
  5. Install the license key in the installation wizard if prompted;
  6. Wait until StarWind service starts and the synchronization process is completed;
  7. Check that all StarWind devices have the Synchronized status on all nodes;
  8. Check that all iSCSI connections are restored after the node update;
  9. Repeat the steps above on the remaining StarWind nodes one by one;
  10. Connect the iSCSI clients to the nodes, if they have been previously disconnected at step 1.


For VMware ESXi, Citrix Hypervisor/XenServer environments:

  1. To prevent data loss, disconnect iSCSI clients from StarWind nodes – for builds, where it is specified as a requirement in StarWind Release Notes;
  2. Check that all StarWind devices have the Synchronized status on all nodes;
  3. Check that each Datastore/SR on each host has active paths from all StarWind nodes;
  4. Run the StarWind VSAN installer on the first node;
  5. Install the license key in the installation wizard if prompted;
  6. Wait until StarWind service starts and the synchronization process is completed;
  7. Check that all StarWind devices have the Synchronized status on all nodes;
  8. Check that each Datastore/SR on each host has active paths from all StarWind nodes;
  9. Repeat the steps above on the remaining StarWind nodes one by one.
  10. Connect the iSCSI clients to the nodes, if they have been previously disconnected at step 1.


 StarWind Virtual SAN (CentOS-based)  step-by-step update procedure on VMware ESXi environments:

NOTE: Offline update steps are described in this KB article:

Environments with access to the Internet – Online update:

  1. Check that all StarWind devices have the Synchronized status on all nodes;
  2. Check that each Datastore on each host has active paths from all StarWind nodes;
  3. Login to StarWind Virtual SAN for vSphere web client (https://%VSAN_IP%:9090)
  4. Go to the terminal web page.
  5. Download the update using the following cmdlet:

  1. Go to the folder with the update archive and unpack the updater:

  1. Start the update procedure (the filename may vary, please use the ls command to check the list of files):

  1. After the successful update, the StarWind Virtual SAN for vSphere could be rebooted.
  2. Wait until StarWind VSAN for vSphere starts, and the synchronization process is completed;
  3. Check that all StarWind devices have the Synchronized status on all nodes;
  4. Check that all iSCSI connections are restored after the node update;
  5. Repeat the steps above on the remaining StarWind nodes one by one;

Below are the extra steps to upgrade the outdated StarWind iSCSI SAN / StarWind VSAN version  to any newer one:

5.4 5.5 5.6 5.7 5.8 6.0 8 8.7774 Latest
5.4 X One by one update License change License change Data Migration Data Migration Data Migration + License change Data Migration + License change Instructions
5.5 X License change License change Instructions Data migration Data Migration + License change Data Migration + License change Instructions
5.6 X One by one update Instructions Instructions Data Migration + License change Data Migration + License change Instructions
5.7 X Instructions Instructions Data Migration + License change Data Migration + License change Instructions
5.8 X One by one update Data Migration + License change Data Migration + License change Instructions
6 X License change Data Migration + License change Instructions
8 X Optional license change Instructions
8.7774 X Instructions
Latest X


One by one update – standard StarWind VSAN update procedure.

License change – the update requires taking steps of the standard update and the new license key.

Data migration – the update requires taking steps of the standard update and moving the data from the client side from existing devices to the new ones, created using the updated version.

Instructions – please get in touch with StarWind Support by emailing to learn the proper steps for the upgrade.

See also

The newest StarWind VSAN build can be downloaded here:

The complete Release Notes can be viewed by following this link:

To request the new license key please email the Account Manager you have previously worked with or email our sales department.

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To request a new product feature or to provide feedback on a StarWind product, please email to our support at and put “Request a Product Feature” as the subject.

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Taras Shved
Taras ShvedStarWind HCI Appliance Product Manager
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