Basic troubleshooting note
- Troubleshooting
- April 27, 2015
These log files can be found here:
C:\Program Files\StarWind Software\StarWind\logs
They can also be checked in StarWind management console. Navigate to Server -> Server Log.
Most of StarWind logs are duplicating in Windows Application logs.
Logs observation | Explanation\Troubleshooting steps |
1) notifications about synchronization status changeMain node sync status change:Event: Device changed own sync status to %u from %u. (TargetName = ‘%s’)Example:Event: Device changed own sync status to 3 from 1. (TargetName = ‘’)Partner node sync status change:Event: Device changed own sync status to %u from %u. (TargetName = ‘%s’)Example:Event: Partner device changed sync status to 3 from 1. (partner: ‘’)Status codes:1 – synchronized2 – synchronizing3 – not synchronized | These are solely informational messages. They are required for reference to Windows event logs in order to find out accompanying hardware/application processes. The most important thing here is timing. These log entries do not show the “unsync” reason, they only indicate “unsync” time. |
2) notifications about establishing/losing connection to ip/device/initiator/targetEstablishing connection from main node to partner node:Event: Established – Device(0x%p), IP(%s), InitiatorName(%s), Target(%s)!Example:Event: Established connection – Device(0x00000001059F40B8), IP(, InitiatorName(, Target(!Losing connection from main node to partner node:Event: Failed connection(C2P) – Device(0x%p), IP(%s), InitiatorName(%s), Target(%s)!Example:Event: Failed connection(C2P) – Device(0x00000001059E7138), IP(, InitiatorName(, Target(!Losing connection from partner node to main node:Event: Failed connection(P2C) – Device(0x%p), IP(%s), InitiatorName(%s), Target(%s)!Example:Event: Failed connection(P2C) – Device(0x00000001059F01C8), IP(, InitiatorName(, Target(!Parameters:InitiatorName – main node target nameTarget – partner node target name | These are solely informational messages. They are required for reference to Windows event logs in order to find out accompanying hardware/application processes. The most important thing here is timing. These log entries do not show the “unsync” reason, they only indicate “unsync” time. |
3) notifications about establishing/losing channel connectionsEstablishing the first connection (sync or heartbeat channel) to the partner:Event: HA_NN_FIRST_VALID_CONNECTION_ESTABLISHED, Partner node: ‘%s’, ulChannelManagerId = %u, ulChannelId = %u.Example:Event: HA_NN_FIRST_VALID_CONNECTION_ESTABLISHED, Partner node: ‘’, ulChannelManagerId = 1, ulChannelId = 1.Establishing connection (sync or heartbeat channel) to the partner:Event: HA_NN_CHANNEL_BECOME_VALID, Partner node: ‘%s’, ulChannelManagerId = %u, ulChannelId = %u.Example:Event: HA_NN_CHANNEL_BECOME_VALID, Partner node: ‘’, ulChannelManagerId = 1, ulChannelId = 1.Losing connection (sync or heartbeat channel) to the partner:Event: HA_NN_CHANNEL_BECOME_NOT_VALID, Partner node: ‘%s’, ulChannelManagerId = %u, ulChannelId = %u.Example: HA_NN_CHANNEL_BECOME_NOT_VALID, Partner node: ‘’, ulChannelManagerId = 1, ulChannelId = 1.Establishing all connections (sync and heartbeat channel) to the partner:Event: HA_NN_ALL_CHANNELS_BECOME_VALID, Partner node: ‘%s’, ulChannelManagerId = %u.”Example:Event: HA_NN_ALL_CHANNELS_BECOME_VALID, Partner node: ‘’, ulChannelManagerId = 2.Losing all connections (sync and heartbeat channel) to the partner:Event: HA_NN_ALL_CHANNELS_BECOME_NOT_VALID, Partner node: ‘%s’, ulChannelManagerId = %u.”Example:
Event: HA_NN_ALL_CHANNELS_BECOME_NOT_VALID, Partner node: ‘’, ulChannelManagerId = 2. Parameters: ulChannelManagerId – manager type, 1 – sync channels, 2 – heartbeat channels. ulChannelId – manager channel index |
These are solely informational messages. They are required for reference to Windows event logs in order to find out accompanying hardware/application processes. The most important thing here is timing. These log entries do not show the “unsync” reason, they only indicate “unsync” time |
4) notifications about synchronization start/completionSynchronization request from console (after device creation):Event: Received initial synchronization command from console “(Type: %d, Synchronizer: ‘%s’)Example:Event: Received initial synchronization command from console “(Type: 4, Synchronizer: ‘’)Parameters:Type – synchronization type: 1 – full, 2 – fastSynchronizer – name of the synchronizer node. If this parameter is empty, synchronizer node will be chosen automaticallyPartner node synchronization start:Event: HA_NN_PARTNER_NODE_ SYNCHRONIZATION_STARTED, Partner node: ‘%s’, Synchronization type: ‘%s’Example:Event: HA_NN_PARTNER_NODE_ SYNCHRONIZATION_STARTED, Partner node: ‘’, Synchronization type: ‘Fast’Partner node synchronization cancellation/abort:Event: HA_NN_PARTNER_NODE_ SYNCHRONIZATION_CANCELED, Partner node: ‘%s’Example:Event: HA_NN_PARTNER_NODE_ SYNCHRONIZATION_CANCELED, Partner node: ‘’Partner node synchronization completion:
These are solely informational messages. They are required for reference to Windows event logs in order to find out accompanying hardware/application processes. The most important thing here is timing. These log entries do not show the “unsync” reason, they only indicate “unsync” time |
5) determining synchronization type:This parameter can be set to 1 and 2, 1 for full synchronization, 2 for fast synchronization.Example:2/24 21:38:34.821 c48 HA: CHADevice::SynchronizeCurrentNode: Params(p_pszPartnerNodeName = 0x0000000004288800, p_pszPartnerNodeTargetName = ‘(null)’, p_SyncType = 1, p_bIgnoreOwnSyncState = 0) ENTERedp_SyncType – synchronization type | Sometimes it is necessary to know synchronization type, especially when troubleshooting occurrence of full sync instead of fast sync. Normally, The Full synchronization is starting instead of Fast in the following cases*:1)If HA device was configured to use write-back cache and one of the server was turned off not correctly (i.e. hard reset, power outage, etc);2)If the errors were detected during the writes on the disk;3)If partner, that should be the source of synchronization has the state another from “Synchronized”;4)If initial synchronization was interrupted due to any reason;5)If extension of the HA device was performed (in this case the synchronization will be performed only after service restart)6)If the Partner that should be the source of synchronization gained “Synchronized” state after initiating “Mark as synchronized” command7)If StarWind service was turned off on all servers*The options above applies to *.img based HA devices only. The LSFS devices will run only fast synchronization.Synchronization will not start automatically if:If the errors were detected during the writes on the disk |
6) service initialization errors:7/10 16:15:46.287 dd0 Srv: bind() to failed: Only one usage of each socket address (protocol/network address/port) is normally permitted. (code: 10048)In this case it is likely that the other application (DataCore, MS iSCSI target, ets) is using iSCSI port (3260). | In some cases SW management console cannot see network interfaces or use them, because they are used by another iSCSI-related program. ). It is recommended to disable such applications |
7) cache drop issues:These errors can appear as a result of inability to drop cache and are accompanied by opcode 0x35. These messages are often accompanied by “storage performance degradation” warnings with read/write execution time in app logs.Example:HA: Warning: SscRequestTask(00000015A6E59A70) OpCode(0x35) DiffTimeCompleteINIT = 12765 ms | It is recommended to either disable or lower L1 cache size depending on the result.Note: the issue has been fixed in 8730 build. |
8) VAAI compare and write:This can lead to synchronization freezing or looping, though not proved yet, still under investigationthis event is accompanied by opcode 0x89 in the log. Example:HA: Warning: SscRequestTask(0000000002CD3F20) OpCode(0x89) DiffTimeCompleteINIT = 15956735 ms, DiffTimeCompleteEXEC = 0 ms! | Temporary solution would be to disable VAAI in ESX: Disabling the VAAI functionality in ESXi/ESX Note: it is mandatory to restart ESX(i) hosts after disabling this functionality |
9) XCOPY: Example: 3/10 17:31:21.249 c54 SCSI: XCOPY: DeviceLun not found for CSCD[0]!0000 e4 00 00 00 01 02 00 08 3f 25 db b1 b3 a4 f3 4b ä…….?%Û±³¤óK0010 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 02 00 …………….This is happening when a device is migrated from non-StarWind datastore to StarWind datastore (ESX vmotion). Though it is not a big problem in terms of speed and performance |
The issue has been fixed in 8730 build, no actions needed |
10) task abort sequence: This sequence is followed by complete freezing of either one StarWind node or the whole environment. Reproduced on ESX environments only Example: 1/29 8:27:27.283 113c T[146c,5cfcf8d]: Management command: abort task (CmdSN 97504741, ITT 0x5dcfcf05) not found.1/29 8:27:27.283 113c T[146c,5cfcf8e]: Management command: abort task (CmdSN 97504742, ITT 0x5ecfcf05) not found.1/29 8:27:27.283 113c T[146c,5cfcf8f]: Management command: abort task (CmdSN 97504743, ITT 0x5fcfcf05) not found.1/29 8:27:27.283 113c T[146c,5cfcf90]: Management command: abort task (CmdSN 97504744, ITT 0x60cfcf05) not found.1/29 8:27:27.283 113c T[146c,5cfcf93]: Management command: abort task (CmdSN 97504745, ITT 0x61cfcf05) not found.1/29 8:27:27.283 113c T[146c,5cfcf95]: Management command: abort task (CmdSN 97504746, ITT 0x62cfcf05) not found.1/29 8:27:27.283 113c T[146c,5cfcf98]: Management command: abort task (CmdSN 97504747, ITT 0x63cfcf05) not found.1/29 8:27:27.283 113c T[146c,5cfcf9d]: Management command: abort task (CmdSN 97504748, ITT 0x64cfcf05) not found.1/29 8:27:27.283 113c T[146c,5cfcf9f]: Management command: abort task (CmdSN 97504749, ITT 0x65cfcf05) not found. |
The issue has been fixed in 8730 build, no actions required |
11) license errors Usually, StarWind prompts that license has been overused in the logs. Here is an example: 12/10 15:00:22.100 bdc SCSI: LICENSE: MaxTotalStorage = 4194304 MB. Disk ‘HAImage14’ (512000 MB) is out of the allowed storage size (current total: 4120576 MB). In such cases device can acquire non-active state in SW management console |
A solution here would be to install the new license that allows more HA space, or, since it is not possible to shrink the volume, remove HA partner and mount the device in standalone mode, create new HA device of allowed size and migrate the data there |
12) loads of errors when one of the node was down This is normal since the nodes did not accept external connections. Examples: CNIXInitiatorISCSITransport::MountTarget: EXITing with failure, MountTargetDll failed with error code 1627!11/28 0:54:56.643 1928 Sw: *** ConnectPortal: An attempt to connect timed out without establishing a connection or connect was forcefully rejected |
No actions required |
13) trim/unmap errors These errors can lead to hanging StarWind service. Examples: 12/29 3:07:20.655 f14 IMG: *** ImageFile_Dispatch_Unmap: ImageFile_ExecuteFileLevelTrim( 1524958720, 128 ) failed, status == 0xC0000001! 12/29 3:07:20.655 a2c IMG: *** ImageFile_ExecuteFileLevelTrim: ExecuteFileLevelTrim: GetOverlappedResult() after FSCTL_FILE_LEVEL_TRIM failed (err 50). If you have a build higher than 7354 – you will not have such problems |
Please upgrade to 7354 build or higher |
14) prefetch warnings These are mostly informational messages, so do not panic. Releases after 7354 have prefetch optimizations. Examples: CACHE: *** CacheBase::read: Prefetch advised out of disk: PrefetchStart + PrefetchLength = 412115584 + 256, Disk size = 2097152 |
Upgrade to 7354 build or higher. |
15) access denied errors: Reject iSCSI connection from to These messages (and alike) indicate that initiator has been rejected a connection to the target. In most cases HA devices acquire non-active state |
1. Check firewall settings, make sure StarWind servers do not block each other and client hosts 2. This can happen after upgrading from earlier versions if you have access rights enabled. Solution would be to set “default access policy” to “allow” and then back to “deny” 3. You misconfigured access rights. Double-check them in SW console 4. CHAP permissions – here you need to make sure everything (chap login and password) is set properly at all levels (server, target, device) |
16) write-back L2 cache: this is a known bug which results in service crash. Logs: 3/25 8:47:48.270 250c CACHE: CacheChain::getSettings: Returning settings for the first cache in chain only.3/25 8:47:48.270 250c CACHE: CacheChain::getSettings: Returning settings for the first cache in chain only.3/25 8:47:48.270 250c CACHE: CacheChain::getSettings: Returning settings for the first cache in chain only.3/25 8:47:52.711 250c CACHE: CacheChain::getSettings: Returning settings for the first cache in chain only.3/25 8:47:52.711 250c CACHE: CacheChain::getSettings: Returning settings for the first cache in chain only.3/25 8:47:52.732 2ab4 debug: The program encountered a serious error and may be closed. Crash dump will be created.Please, save the log file and the crash dump and report the problem to support@starwindsoftware.com3/25 8:48:01.756 2ab4 debug: Minidump ‘C:\Program Files\StarWind Software\StarWind\starwind.20150325.084752.mdmp’ created successfully. |
The issue has been fixed in 8730 build. Please change L2 caching mode to write-through. |
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